the Goddess
ReWilding Christianity with the Divine Feminine
From August 12-16, 2024, more than 30 expert teachers, healers, artists, and ministers gathered to share their wisdom on how the Divine Feminine has been present in, with, and for people who are rooted in the Christian tradition.
More than 1,200 participants joined, bringing their love, grief, longing, and hope to this powerful “Rewilding!”
Come be part of this online global gathering!
You can join us across space and time through the summit recordings - a “feast” of over 35 hours of videos, featuring expert presenter interviews and recordings of our live summit week ceremonies and events!
This summit will help you…
Explore how the Christ-light lineage can include and lift up the Divine Feminine
Acknowledge the harm done by patriarchal Christianity, and listen to how Spirit might be inviting us to heal from it
Discover where the Sacred She has been present in Christianity all along
Connect with others who long to bring the Divine Feminine into their lives & hearts
Listen for how YOU are being called to bring Goddess’ light to your community
Born of Stardust Collage by Summit Presenter Dr. Angela Yarber, https://www.angelayarber.org
Enjoy Resurrecting the Goddess Summit through July 2025 with the VIP All-Access Pass!
Choose the level that will best serve you…
Includes access to all summit recordings through July 2025.
Includes access to summit recordings through July 2025, a bundle of gifts from our presenters worth over $1000, AND 4 seasonal sharing circles with Erin & Kathleen between fall 2024 and spring 2025!
Includes everything in Levels 1&2, plus a 1:1 session (spiritual mentoring and/or Reiki) with EACH of your summit hosts, Erin & Kathleen!
Trilogy by Summit presenter Ally Markotich, ©allymarkotich • www.soulkindling.com
You are welcome here.
We believe the Goddess lives in all of us, and our diversity reflects Her infinite beauty! During this summit, we are committed to honoring each person’s sacred dignity by creating environments where people of every identity and experience feel safe and included.
The Goddess’ return means the end of oppression and a just society for all. May the space we create together be part of it.
Reconnecting the Divine Feminine and the Christ-light lineage - to heal our hearts, our relationships, and our world
Goddess of Justice by summit presenter Angela Yarber. www.angelayarber.org
Do you struggle with…
Wounding from dominant, patriarchal religion
Lack of connection with the Sacred Feminine (God as She)
Wanting to stay Christo-centered AND wanting the Divine Feminine in your life
Feeling trapped by old patterns of religious guilt and shame
Separation between your spirituality and your body, sexuality, femininity, or emotions
Difficulty integrating your (or your ancestors’) Christian faith with a more expansive, inclusive spirituality
Our world is longing for Divine Feminine liberation.
Join us to find inspiration and solidarity in your journey with Her!
Come learn from our expert presenters!
Rebeccah Bennett, Founder of InPower Institute, Spirit Rising & the Black Healers Collective
I AM SHE: Liberating Lineage
Perdita Finn and Clark Strand
Mother, Mantra and Rosary: The Ancient Pagan Roots of the Rosary
Margaret Starbird
Mary Magdalene, Bride of the Easter Mysteries
Elder Harriet Tubman Wright, MS, MA
Reject Limitation and Accept Liberation Now!
Victoria Loorz, author and founder of the Center for Wild Spirituality
Restoring Sacred Conversation with the Wild
Lisa Moriah ~ priestess, shamanic practitioner, writer, drummer and ritualist
FERTILE & FEROCIOUS: Rediscovering Your Primal Feminine Power with Abraham’s Goddess, Shaddai
Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz
The Aramaic Jesus and Holy Wisdom: Revealing the Hidden Feminine in Yeshua's Words and Spiritual Practice
Rev. Lorren Z. Buck, MDiv
Whose Pussy Is It?: My Journey Towards Sexual Alchemy
Jennifer RoseMary
St. Hildegard and the Green Goddess
Irene Chong
Restoring & Re-Storying the Sacred Feminine
Ally Markotich, Artist, Poet & Creative Formation Practitioner
Connect with Wisdom and Create An Altar Card
Jennifer Ruth Russell
Creating with Nature & Mother Mary
Kelley Fox, Faith Organizer at Faith Choice Ohio
Doing Justice Differently: Embracing the Divine Feminine in the way we do conflict
Rev. Dr. Jann Aldredge-Clanton
Writing Divine Feminine Songs
Sophie Michaud, Intuitive Artist, Soul Guide, and Active Dreaming Teacher
Enter and Know: Reclaiming Her Power Within Through Intuitive Drawing
Li-Sann Mullings, RN
The Resplendent Return of the Cosmic Mother: Unlocking Three Facets of Her Diamond Heart
Molleen Dupree-Dominguez
The Breasted God
Anasuya Basil
Body Compassion with Grandmother Earth
Christopher Pramuk, PhD, Professor of Theology and University Chair of Ignatian Thought and Imagination
Thomas Merton's Awakening to the Sacred Feminine
Shardai Moon, RN - Priestess, Healer, & Founder of Sophia Rising
Re-activating your Wealth, Worth & Wisdom
Circle of Angelic Realms
Live messaging event with Mikha'el (the Archangel Michael)
Carolyn Griffeth
Birthing Her Dreams and Weaving Her Rituals
Lana Dalberg, MFA, MTS
Experiencing the Divine Mother
Anasuya Isis, Mystic Midwife
The Divine Mother Who Answers
Priestess Christy Michaels. M.A.
The Secret Story of the Rise of the Magdalene hidden in the movie The Little Mermaid
Rev. Dr. Katy E. Valentine
From Christ to Christa -- Experiencing the Divine Feminine in Jesus
Rev. Alice Martin
The Archangel Mikha’el’s Role in Service to the Feminine Divine
Vanessa Nixon, Traditional Naturopath
Connecting to the Divine Feminine through Movement
Rav Kohenet, Taya Ma Shere
Goddess Rituals of Rewilding
Rev. Dr. Angela Yarber
Writing Toward the Divine Feminine: Publishing as Rewilding
Luisely Melecio-Zambrano, Spiritual Director and Midwife
Co-creating with Her
Adande, Spiritual Midwife and Holy Ratchinista
She's A B*tch: The ReWilding of Sheba, Asherah, and Jezebel
Day 1: ReMembering the Dreams of the Mother
Day 2: ReClaiming Her Saints & Mystics
Day 3: ReInterpreting the Sacred Texts
Day 4: ReWeaving Her in our Creativity
Day 5: ReNewing this Earthy Embodiment
Enjoy our experts’ presentations by day and theme…
In addition to the expert presentations, the summit recordings include our live events from the week:
two embodied, sacred ceremonies
a live channeling session with the Archangel Mikha’el and
The Circle of the Angelic Realms
a Way of the Rose rosary circle with Perdita Finn and Clark Strand
a “salon for the soul” with Spirit Rising, a St.Louis-based womanist spiritual collective
Join us across space and time to participate in this sacred Rewilding of Christianity!
Includes access to all summit recordings through July 2025.
Includes access to summit recordings through July 2025, a bundle of gifts from our presenters worth over $1000, AND 4 seasonal sharing circles with Erin & Kathleen between fall 2024 and spring 2025!
Includes everything in Levels 1&2, plus a 1:1 session (spiritual mentoring and/or Reiki) with EACH of your summit hosts, Erin & Kathleen!
Meet Your Hosts
As Catholic-raised priestesses of the Divine Feminine, we have found so many people are longing for the healing and renewal of the Goddess, in dialogue with Christianity - but there isn’t much public conversation around it!
We created this summit to change that.
Kathleen Joan is a priestess of Brigid committed to the resurrection of the Divine Feminine, especially among those with Christian ancestry. Formed as a spiritual seeker and leader in the Catholic Christian tradition, she holds a dual Master’s degree in theology and ministry and has over 15 years’ ministry experience, including directing retreats, teaching classes on religion and spirituality, and leading small group spiritual communities. Kathleen offers Reiki energy healing and spiritual direction for all genders, as well as women’s circles and retreats, to help you reclaim the sacredness of the wild Feminine within you and take your place in the Divine Mother’s return today - which is the healing and rebalancing of our world.
Erin Duffy-Burke is a midwife of the soul, movement minister and priestess of the Divine Mother Love. Rooted in Catholic Christian spirituality, sacrament and social justice, she rises in service to the reclamation and renewal of Sophia, the Feminine heart of Christ. She is excited to re-member and reweave this golden thread of Sophia Christ all the way from the Great Cosmic Mother Goddess into our lives today. She holds masters degrees in Catholic Education, Multicultural Ministry and Christian Spirituality and over two decades of experience teaching, facilitating small groups and retreats and serving as a spiritual companion. She lives in St. Louis, MO.
Embodying the Sacred Feminine - from inside and outside Christian institutions
"Trail of Light", Acrylic on canvas by Summit presenter Sophie Michaud
Her message is “I am the passageway through which your soul makes its way in or out of the world of form, my body being a conduit for the eternal. On either side of the threshold, you will pass through me. My womb delivers and my womb receives. At the last hour, I will sing your return to my body. The transition is timeless; your experience, temporary.”
This summit is for you if ANY of the following are true:
You want to build or deepen a relationship with God+dess that feels healthy and liberating
You want to honor your lineage while also being true to yourself
You or your ancestors have Christian roots, whether or not you affiliate with church institutions
You feel a longing for the Divine Mother and wish She could be more present in your spiritual practice
You’ve always had a hunch the Divine Feminine is part of the Christian story, no matter what they told you in church
You really want to meet others who have similar questions, curiosities and longings as you
You are curious about how the Divine Feminine can transform the systems of our world back into mutuality and justice
What people are saying…
“To anyone seeking a spirituality of the feminine, especially if you come from a patriarchal Christian background, I cannot recommend this summit highly enough...Last year’s speakers celebrated the Goddess in all her lovely variety through scripture, nature’s rhythms, art, dance, guided meditation, and embodied practice. They challenged me to midwife my own spiritual rebirth and to embody the goddess within myself to bring healing, justice, and peace to the world. Please, give yourself this gift!”
“I was deeply moved by the Resurrecting the Goddess Summit. Connecting with so many other like-minded souls who are equally hungry for Her, feeling touched by music that speaks of the Goddess and of her many names, and just knowing that many others are seeking a more expansive experience of the Divine all filled me with so much life! Gratitude to Kathleen and Erin for creating a much-needed and powerful gathering.” ”
“As a recovering Catholic, this is a home I can feel comfortable in.”
“As a lifelong Christian who only learned to call God ‘Father,’ I invite everyone to come learn about God our Mother!”
No! This summit is for everyone who feels drawn to the Divine Feminine and wants to put that longing in dialogue with the Christian tradition. From “recovering” Christians to lifelong churchgoers - we’re here to help you return to Her in a world where She has been suppressed for too long.
No! We warmly welcome ALL genders to come learn and grown with us, held in the love of the Divine Feminine. We believe that since our world has been so unbalanced through patriarchy and suppression of the feminine, Her rising is part of our individual and collective return to health, balance, and wholeness. We welcome and affirm our non-female-identified attendees, including our genderqueer, Trans, nonbinary, and genderfluid siblings, as bearers of Divine wisdom and grace, which all of us can learn from in the process of rebalancing our spirituality and our world!
Join us to become part of this shared rising in Her!
Includes access to all summit recordings through July 2025.
Includes access to summit recordings through July 2025, a bundle of gifts from our presenters worth over $1000, AND 4 seasonal sharing circles with Erin & Kathleen between fall 2024 and spring 2025!
Includes everything in Levels 1&2, plus a 1:1 session (spiritual mentoring and/or Reiki) with EACH of your summit hosts, Erin & Kathleen!
Our prayer for you…
May you remember who you are… alive, awake and One with the Soul of Life.
May you remember whose you are… in every moment held and helped by She of Many Names.
May you return to Her rhythms… the cycles and seasons of life, death and rebirth.
Together, may WE come home to Love, where the wound becomes the womb, where there is room for EVERYone at the table of Life, and where we midwife the world anew!
Shared Love by Summit presenter Ally Markotich •©allymarkotich • www.soulkindling.com